Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just leave me a lone for a minute

There are times in my day, almost every day, when I just want to snap my fingers and disappear. I wonder how much more of stupid people that I'll be able to handle before I really snap.

If I have to listen to one more person's problems, or listen to my mother bitch about this or that and how none of her children are worth anything. Well, I had a horrible childhood that was capped off by being forced into an arranged marriage and subsequently raped with the permission of my family. Well excuse me if I feel that I've paid my dues.

Can I just say to the "friends" and acquaintances in my life who won't shut the hell up. Leave me the hell alone for a minute. You know. I'm really not interested in hearing one more person's problems. I really don't want to have to coddle anyone anymore. Can someone coddle me for a second?

Just for a day I would like other people in my life to treat me with the same consideration that I use with them. I spend so much of my time trying not to offend people, and basically trying to make them happy. Can someone make me happy for a change?

I'm entirely too stressed out to think about the ex-boyfriend and his new whore - who I should mention is the wife of his best friend. Yeah, this is the guy who I thought had the highest moral standard. Major mistake on my part.

That won't happen again.

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